28 aout 2023
The dolls
The clothes and accessories associated with them are external codes of communication that make it possible to determine the ethno-social-religious origin, or the moods of each individual.
Each belief has its own style of dress. For some, it was imposed over the centuries as was the case for the Jews... From the pointed hat, to the roundel, through the Sargeness or the Streimel, discover the clothing customs from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Middle Ages
The man, dressed in an outfit not specific to Jews, however wears the Jewish hat also known as the pointed hat. First worn traditionally, it was imposed on men of the Jewish faith after the Lateran Council which demanded in 1215 that Jews be recognizable by their clothing so as not to confuse them with Christians. This pointed hat does not prohibit honoring the Shabbat.
The woman's draped tunic is also not specific to Jewish women.
sixteenth century
Women and men carry the wheel or wheel. This piece of cloth, circular in shape and colored red, orange, yellow or white, was imposed on Jews and Muslims by Pope Innocent II during the 4th Lateran Council (dating from 1215). This sign allowed the distinction of Jews (and Muslims) by the civil authorities.
The coat of the two characters is long. It goes beyond the knee that's why it's called "dress". Sometimes it has the shape of a cape with openings to pass the arms, spaced staples can maintain these slits.
The woman is wearing a ceremonial apron.

Seventeenth century
Fashion is "strawberry" which is a lingerie collar formed of pleats, with long capes and a flat hat for men.
The women's dress is recognizable by the headdress with two cornets.
Eighteenth century
This doll is dressed in the traditional clothing of 18th century Rabbis.
He wears a long, dark, fur-trimmed coat, a wide belt, and a Schtreimel, which is a fur hat worn by many Jews on Shabbat , or religious holidays.

18th-19th century
The young man is a peddler. He wears a coat with wide lapels, boots, a three-cornered hat and drags with him his merchandise, his provisions, his tools.
Peddlers were itinerant vendors who sold their wares in towns and villages. This profession was often reserved for Jews because it was very tiring.
The young girl is elegantly dressed in her corset, half-long sleeves, a ceremonial apron and is wearing a high lace headdress.
nineteenth century
The cattle dealer is distinguished by his blue smock, his cap
or his cap, his gaiters and his galoshes.

From the 17th to the 20th century
The Sargeness is a garment woven of white linen and composed of a dress, a shoulder cover, a bonnet and a cord as a belt. It can be worn on several occasions, such as during two major Jewish holidays or the burial of the faithful.
For Rosh Hashana which is the New Year for the Jews but also the Day of Judgment, the faithful dress in white symbol of purity and innocence.
For the service on the eve of Yom Kippur, the Jews once again put on the Sargeness.
Finally, at his death, the deceased is clothed in white and covered with his Sargeness. He must appear as simply dressed as possible.